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BOF Minutes of 03/01/2016

Minutes of the Board of Finance meeting held on Tuesday, March 01, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall.
Present:~~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:~ Andrew Russell, H. P. Garvin, III, Janet Sturges, David Woolley
Alternate Members:~ Adam Burrows, Bob Jose, David Kelsey                        

Bonnie A. Reemsnyder, ex-officio
Nicole Stajduhar, Finance Director
                Mary Jo Nosal, Selectwoman              

Absent:~~~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:~  BJ Bernblum, H. P. Garvin, Chris Kerr
~Alternate Members:~~
Guest:          None


Mr. Russell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  

Mr. Russell noted that there are regular members absent this evening, therefore, a motion was made by Mrs. Surges, seconded by Mr. Woolley, to have Mr. Kelsey vote for Mr. Kerr, Mr. Jose vote for Mr. Garvin, and Mr. Burrows vote for Mr. Bernblum in their absences.  Motion carried.

201 General Government

0010  Selectman’s Office

Mr.  Kelsey highlighted the Selectmen’s Office budget.  Because the town attorney will be retiring at the end of the year, there is an increase in legal counsel.  Other increases include new items for a colored communications page in the Old Lyme Events magazine and expenses relating to beach passes.  There is a slight decrease in the miscellaneous line.

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Burrows, to approve $261,908 for the Selectmen’s Office.  Motion carried.   

0020  Town Clerk’s Office

Mrs. Stajduhar outlined the Town Clerk’s budget and there was no significant change.  The expenses are fairly consistent with the previous year.

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Woolley, to approve $117,162 for the Town Clerk’s Office.  Motion carried.   

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        March 01, 2016

0030  Tax Collector’s Office

Mrs. Stajduhar highlighted the Tax Collector’s budget.  There are increases in Postage and Contracted Services, which are provided by Quality Data Company and consist of software maintenance and a variety of other tasks, such as printing the tax bills.  

A motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mrs. Sturges, to approve $104,321 for the Tax Collector’s Office.  Motion carried.         

0040  Treasurer’s Office

Mrs. Stajduhar highlighted the Treasurer’s budget and stated that there is an increase in salaries for the assistant and Contracted Services (Audit) to cover regular and FSA ($39,000), if required, Financial Advisor – bond disclosures ($1,000), and NECART for document shredding ($500).

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mrs. Sturges, to approve $164,076 for the Treasurer’s Office.  Motion carried.

0050  Registrars – Primaries and Referendums

The Registrars’ budget was reviewed.  There is an increase because of a presidential election year with a double primary and anticipated referendas.  

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Burrows to approve $36,881 for Registrars – Primaries and Referendums.  Motion carried.         

0060  Information Technology Department

Mrs. Stajduhar explained the Info Tech line items noting increases in Contract VTH for implementing the addition of email addresses for all boards and commissions chairpersons, as well as Contract, Logmein Pro and AVG Business lines.  There is a decrease in Contract Laserfiche.

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Woolley to approve $91,600 for Information Technology.  Motion carried.         

0070  Probate Court

A handout was provided from the Niantic Regional District 32 probate court proposed budget for 2016/17, detailing Old Lyme’s amount and percentage for FY2016/17.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        March 01, 2016

A motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mr. Jose, to approve $8,100 for Probate Court.  Motion carried.   

0080  Assessor’s Office

There were increases in the Legal Counsel, Dues, Contracted Services and Education/Training lines within the Assessor’s budget.

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Kelsey, to approve $130,009 for the Assessor’s Office.  Motion carried.   

0090  Building Department

The Building Department budget was reviewed and there were no increases from last year’s budget, other than salaries.

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Jose, to approve $106,099.  Motion carried.   

0095  Health Department

The new Sanitarian has been in place for a couple of months.  Mrs. Stajduhar stated that there is a change in salaries because of the part time WPCA clerk who was not replaced and the health administrative assistant who became full time.  There are no other increases noted within the Health Departments budget. Decreases noted in the Contracted Services, Education/Training and dues.

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Kelsey, to approve $202,787.   Motion carried.

0100  Town Hall Expenses

Mrs. Stajduhar stated that the Town Hall expenses include an increase in telephone, building supplies, business machines, and fuel and maintenance for the town car that the sanitarian and land use coordinator use for business purposes.  The new line item added within the Town Hall Expenses is for the new position of Facility Manager ($30,000) that will oversee maintenance and mechanicals of town properties.

A motion was made by Mr. Burrows, seconded by Mr. Kelsey, to approve $177,000.   Motion carried.         

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        March 01, 2016

0110  Insurance

Mrs. Stajduhar highlighted the costs of the Town’s insurance which includes premiums for Medical Insurance ($460,000) and Life ($18,650), Property/Liability ($120,000), Workers Compensation ($85,000), and Fire Department ($42,000).  Bonds for Officials ($2,000) remained the same as last year.

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mrs. Sturges, to approve $727,650.  Motion carried.         

0120  Special Deductions

Mrs. Stajduhar stated that within Special Deductions, there is an increase in pension, decrease in Unemployment ($1,000) and Social Security.  Buyback for sick/vacation time ($20,000) remained the same.   

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Jose, to approve $407,000.  Motion carried.  

202  Boards and Commissions

0200  Harbor Management Commission

The $1,000 expense represents Contracted Services ($900) for removing, storing and replacing the dinghy dock at Ferry Road each year and hauling in the moorings; as well as Miscellaneous ($100).

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mrs. Sturges, to approve $1,000 for Harbor Management Commission.  Motion carried.            

0210  Economic Development Commission

Mrs. Stajduhar stated that the EDC expenses include Supplies and Postage line items for $10 each.

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Woolley to approve $20 for Economic Development Commission’s budget.   Motion carried.         

0215  Ethics Commission

There are no increases noted with the Ethics Commission.

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Jose, to approve $25 for the Ethics Commission budget.  Motion carried.        

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        March 01, 2016

0220  Water Pollution Control Authority

Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that the budget submitted is from the former chair and a new budget should be reviewed with the new chair.  Therefore, the WPCA budget has been tabled until the March 15th meeting.

0230  Board of Finance

There is an increase in the Postage and Advertising lines.

A motion was made by Mr. Burrows, seconded by Mr. Woolley, to approve $10,721 for the Board of Finance.  Motion carried.  

0240  Flood and Erosion

This budget represents the Clerk, Postage, Contracted Services, and Miscellaneous.

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mrs. Sturges, to approve $540 for the Flood and Erosion Control Board. Motion carried.       

0250  Historic District

The Historic District line items include the Clerk, Office Supplies, Postage and Legal Advertising for Public Hearings.

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mrs. Sturges, to approve $4,700 for the Historic District.  Motion carried.  

0260  Tree Commission

The Tree Commission lines include:  Clerk, Postage, Warden, Contracted Services and Miscellaneous.

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Jose, to approve $16,050 for the Tree Commission.   Motion carried.

0270  Board of Assessment Appeals

Board of Assessment Appeals has decreased the Wages and the Advertising lines.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        March 01, 2016

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Woolley, to approve $538 for the Board of Assessment Appeals.  Motion carried.

0275  Rogers Lake Authority

Mrs. Stajduhar stated the requested increases in the patrol and launch include more hours weekly and a few additional weeks.  To offset increase, the mats will be dropped from the capital budget.  There were discussions on monitoring of patrol hours.

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Burrows, to approve $16,125 for the Rogers Lake Authority.  Motion carried.

0280  Land Use Department

Mrs. Stajduhar stated that other than salaries and dues, there is no change within the Land Use Department.

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mrs. Sturges, to approve $290,507 for the Land Use Department.  Motion carried.         

0290  Sound View Commission

The Sound View Commission’s budget consists of postage, dues and printing.  Contracted Services increased because of the port-a-potties extra cleaning due to significant graffiti.  Other/Miscellaneous category represents contracted services for maintaining plantings and shrubs for planters and additional signage at the end of Hartford Avenue.  

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mrs. Sturges, to approve $13,484 for the Sound View Commission.  Motion carried.       

Mr. Kelsey stated that the Sound View Commission needs to order additional signage before the start of the summer.  After discussion, it was decided that the funds will come out of Parks and Rec Sound View line item.

0310 Conservation Commission

Conservation Commission budget represents Contracted Services.

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Jose, to approve $4,623 for the Conservation Commission.  Motion carried.        
 Board of Finance Meeting                                                                       March 01, 2016

0330 Open Space Commission

Open Space Commission represents maintenance ($5,200) of trees, brush, and trails on Open Space Land, Contracted Services (1,200) for the Open Space Coordinator/Warden, and Open Space ($3,388).  The Clerk line was moved from general open space account into specific clerk account ($1,512).

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Jose, to approve $11,300 for the Open Space Commission. Motion carried.

Parks and Recreation Commission Request:

Mrs. Stajduhar stated that the Parks and Recreation Commission has requested their own budget of $3,020.  Line items would include:  Miscellaneous - $10; Legal - $3,000 and Contracted Services - $10.  Mrs. Reemsnyder will bring it to the Board of Selectmen and report back.

Minutes of the February 09, 2016

The minutes of February 09, 2016 were reviewed.  

A motion was made by Mr. Burrows, seconded by Mr. Jose to approve the minutes, as written.  Mr. Kelsey abstained.  Motion carried.

Park & Recreation Changes

There were various changes within the Parks and Recreation lines.  Salary increases to 40 hours in the summer, addition of signs at Sound View, and new swim lines ($4,000) and swim line maintenance ($5,200).

A motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mr. Kelsey, to approved $238,422.  Motion carried.

Other Business

Middlesex Hospital Paramedic Program Funding:   Mrs. Reemsnyder went to a presentation for the Middlesex Hospital Paramedic Service.  The Paramedic department has been operating since April of 1987 with 3259 responses that first year.  In 2015, the department consists of 32 Paramedics (16 full-time, 2 part-time and 14 per diem) and responded to 8619 calls.  The Middlesex Hospital Paramedic Program provides paramedic coverage to 19 towns and transports to 17 different hospitals. Besides 911 Responses, the Middlesex Hospital Paramedic Program provides paramedics for mass gatherings, special events, mock DUI presentations for high schools, local career day events, fireworks displays and other local events and celebrations.  Middlesex Hospital Paramedic Service has been fully funded by the hospital since 1987.  Patients are billed per call with most as part of a “bundle bill”.  Intercept paramedic model is the most
Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        March 01, 2016

effective system approach but it is largely not recognized by payers.  The Paramedic services have evolved over 30 years to benefit community residents yet no town currently pays for the services.  Paramedic Services at today’s levels are unsustainable with the current payment model.  Other challenges Middlesex Hospital is facing is increased hospital tax and reduced payments for Medicaid from the state.  Middlesex Hospital Paramedic Program has developed an equitable model for towns to share in the cost of services for their residents phasing in over 5 years.  The model proposed is based on per capita cost share stipend with $1.00 per person, $2.00 per person in the 2nd year, up to $5.00 per person in the 5th year.

After an extensive discussion, the board decided unanimously not to fund this request or put money into the budget for this item.

Old Lyme Fire Department:  Mrs. Stajduhar stated that the fire department requested a carryover for office improvements.  Additional bills may still come in for these improvements, and the amount of $6,700 of additional appropriation may be requested.
Mr. Russell stated that he will have a discussion with the chief for further clarification of policy and procedures.
Mrs. Stajduhar stated that Mr. Adanti is receiving bids for the salt shed and that $75,000 of additional funds may be needed for the salt shed project.  Mrs. Stajduhar said that additional information will be forthcoming.

Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that there is a Special Town Meeting on Monday, March 7th at 7:30pm, at the Town Hall Meeting Hall.  Items on the call of the meeting include:   to approve the expenditure of $210,000 for a Marine Patrol Boat to be used by the Police and Fire Departments, of which $85,000 of said amount is already part of the current fiscal year’s budget.  The other item is to approve the expenditure of $35,000 from the Town Buildings Improvement Fund for exterior work in the old section of Town Hall.

Mr. Russell stated that the next Board of Finance meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 08, 2016, at 7:00 p.m.  Budgets for Other Associations, Lymewood, Ryefield Manor, and meeting minutes are scheduled for discussion.

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Jose, to adjourn the regular meeting at 9:10 pm.  Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele E. Hayes